公司可以制作不同国家标准(GB、ASTM、DIN、EN或JIS等)的产品。主要材质包含美标(ASTM):CF8M(316),CF8(304), CF3M(316L), CF3(304L), CG3M(317L), CN7M(ALLOY20), 430, 2205, 17-4, WCB等;德标和欧标(DIN/EN):1.4408,1.4308,1.4581, 1.4409(1.4404), 1.4309(1.4306), 1.4439, 1.4469,1.0619, 等;日本标准:SCS13, SCS13A, SCS14, SCS14A, SCS16, SCS16A, SCS19, SCS19A, SCS2,SCS24, SCW410等材质。可生产奥氏体不锈钢、马氏体不锈钢、双相不锈钢、合金钢和碳钢等材质的精密铸造产品。
公司实行全面质量管理,公司已通过德国南德公司的ISO9001国际质量体系认证和ISO/TS16949汽车行业质量管理体系认证。产品也通过了德国压力容器AD-W0/ TRD100认证和欧盟承压设备指令97/23/EC(PED)认证。
Jinan Gaoshi Machinery Co., Ltd. is a wholly foreign owned company, who specialized in investment casting. The company specializes in the making of “high-class quality” investment casting. Such as pump valve, auto parts, food machinery and hardware, etc.
The products are now manufactured towards various national standards and being exported worldwide meanwhile. Our products are produced in conformity with GB, ASTM, DIN,EN and JIS standards. The main materials are ASTM(CF8M(316),CF8(304), CF3M(316L), CF3(304L), CG3M(317L), CN7M(ALLOY20), 430, 2205, 17-4, WCB etc.),DIN/EN(1.4408,1.4308,1.4581, 1.4409(1.4404), 1.4309(1.4306), 1.4439, 1.4469,1.0619, etc.),JIS(SCS13, SCS13A, SCS14, SCS14A, SCS16, SCS16A, SCS19, SCS19A, SCS2,SCS24, SCW410 etc.).We are able to produce austenitic stainless steel, martensitic stainless steel,duplex stainless steel,alloy steel and carbon steel casting and other casting materials. Our products are manufactured for and directly exported to overseas customers in USA, Germany, France, Japan, Taiwan(China) and other countries & regions.
Our employees are now working in quality environment of the company. The company has been granted certificate of authorization in accordance with ISO9001 and ISO/TS16949 by TUV Management Service since 1999. The manufacturer has also been audited and approved on the basis of the requirement of German Pressure Equipment Ordinance TRD100/AD-Stangard W0. Moreover, the company has implemented the operating and maintaining of the Quality Assurance under a Quality Assurance System in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC(PED) Annex1, Paragraph 4.3.
We are General Agent of PURETORQ’s rotary actuators and v-solenoid’s solenoids from Canada.
The company can always offer good performance on product producing, quality credibility and time delivery. We supply our customers with our products and services of the best proportion between function and price.